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& speeches
under 5 minutes!
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5 Minute Increments Blog
January 25, 2021 · Speech Coaching,Public Speaking,Toastmasters,Presentations,StorytellingWriting out your speeches or speaking off the cuff? I have to write out my speeches before practicing them. This is a longer process than those that can work out their message in their head and speak “off the cuff” on that subject. If I don't first write out my talks, I improvise TOO much, I...January 22, 2021 · Storytelling,Craig Valentine,Public Speaking,Presentations,ToastmastersCreating a Skeletal Story I learned about the 9 Cs of Storytelling and using a Skeletal Story from World Class Speaker Craig Valentine. When deciding on the content of a story, the most pertinent information, start with a 5-sentence version of the story using 5 of the 9 Cs. A good story...January 18, 2021 · Public Speaking,Storytelling,Presentations,Patricia Fripp,Darren LaCroixWhat is Stagetime University? Stagetime University is a group that helps speakers to improve their skills as well as to learn what’s needed to get paid as a speaker. You can purchase just the speaking skills portion which includes video courses, live calls and individual coaching sessions. For...
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